Saint Paul-Reformation Lutheran Church is searching for section leaders for our 2017-18 program year. Rooted in the Lutheran choral tradition, SPR values high-quality music, good liturgy, and an engagement with the world. The Section Leader positions are paid.
Section leaders will have excellent sight reading ability, some keyboard skills, and must be present for Christmas and the Triduum. There is one Wednesday rehearsal every week, as well as one Sunday Eucharist. Additional opportunities (paid) exist for weddings and funerals, as well as occasional liturgies of Evening Prayer.
The most recent liturgical year included choral music by J. S. Bach, Will Todd, Franz Schubert, Herbert Howells, F. Melius Christiansen, Paul Manz, and Randall Thompson.
Please contact us to set up an audition; we would love to speak with you further and look forward to hearing from qualified candidates and recent graduates in the Twin Cities metropolitan area.
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