Zephyr Vocal Ensemble, a high-level 16-voice mixed a cappella ensemble singing a wide variety of musical genres, anounces openings for Alto 2 and Tenor 2. Singers must possess excellent reading skills and vocal independence, impeccable pitch (just intonation), stylistic flexibility and strong stage presence. Ability to blend and sing straight-tone with a free sound is a must, although vibrato is also used.
Zephyr performs without a conductor to foster intimacy with the audience. Choreographers design movement and formations for the group. Smaller groups from within the group also perform: a women’s ensemble, a men’s ensemble, a madrigal quartet, etc. Upcoming repertoire includes Villa-Lobos, Whitacre, Sweelinck, Gregorian chant, Bach, as well as Motown hits, the Beatles, Michael Jackson, South African liberation/anti-apartheid music, Manhattan Transfer, The Real Group, and others.
Zephyr sings throughout northern NJ and the NYC region. Upcoming performances include arts council gala; a fundraiser for Ridge Light Opera in Basking Ridge, NJ; two seasonal Zephyr concerts per year (repeated in various locations), Warwick NY’s wildly popular Applefest (attended by 35,000 visitors); a NYC début in 2012; and a growing presence in the region with growing numbers of requests to sing in the concerts of older, established choruses. (Zephyr’s début concert was April 2nd of this year.) Zephyr’s Board has it on the agenda to discuss next summer the feasibility of instituting of singer pay for our paid engagements. Rehearsals are Thursday evenings in Vernon, NJ. Singers come from as far as Cranford, NJ; Milford, PA; and Pearl River, NY to rehearse and sing with the group.
Prospective auditioning singers are invited to visit our website, www.zephyrve.org, and go to the “Join” page to learn more about audition requirements and to obtain an application to fill out. Contact Founder & Artistic Director Cherwyn Ambuter at or 973-400-ZEPH (9374) with any questions or to arrange for an audition. The group is also beginning auditions for its Alternate List, to have qualified singers who are able to step in in case of an unexpected departure from the group. Zephyr is now on YouTube; type “Zephyr Vocal Ensemble” into the search window to see the ensemble. An opportunity to see us “live” is available this coming Saturday, Sept. 17th, at our fundraiser Dessert Cabaret in Vernon, NJ. Details available at the website at http://www.zephyrve.org/calendar.
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