Rochester, New York (July 12, 2010) –Peter DuBois, Director of Music and Organist at Third Presbyterian Church, has been named host of With Heart and Voice, WXXI-FM’s national sacred choral and organ radio program. DuBois has served as interim host of WXXI’s local version of the program since July 2009, and will sign on as the national host beginning Sunday, September 12. Produced by WXXI and broadcast on more than 100 public radio stations across the country, the program spans a full range of Western religious music, from the Gothic period to the 21st century.
In addition to his position at Third Presbyterian Church, Mr. DuBois is Assistant Professor of Sacred Music and Director of the Sacred Music Diploma program at the Eastman School of Music.
Mr. DuBois brings over thirty years experience as a practicing church musician, choral conductor and concert organist to his work on With Heart and Voice. He has a deep love of choral and organ music, including that of the Anglican tradition. He looks forward to continuing to share the richness of the sacred music repertory with his audience – a tradition that was established with such passion by Richard Gladwell, creator of With Heart and Voice, who passed away on October 15, 2009.
Mr. DuBois holds a Bachelor of Music degree from the Eastman School of Music, where he was a student of renowned artist-teacher David Craighead. He received his Master of Music degree in Organ Performance from the Universityof Michigan, having studied there with Robert Glasgow. He has performed as an organ recitalist throughout the United Statesand abroad at such places as Notre-Dame de Paris, St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, and the Basilica of Sainte-Clotilde in Paris. Mr. DuBois’ conducting studies have been with Roger Wilhelm and Patrick Gardner, with additional study in clinics by Dale Warland and William Weinert.
With Heart and Voicebegan as a local Sunday morning program on WXXI-FM in 1975 and was hosted by the late Richard Gladwell until he retired in May 2009. Mr. Gladwell worked with WXXI in selecting Mr. DuBois as the new host, and in addition to his own personal collection of recordings, Mr. DuBois uses Mr. Gladwell’s collection of more than 6,000 records and 4,000 compact discs to produce the show.
The local 2-hour edition of With Heart and Voice airs Sundays at 8 a.m., and the national 1-hour edition airs Sundays at 7 p.m. on Classical 91.5/FM-HD91.5-1, and on more than 100 public radio stations across the country. For more information about the program visit http://www.withheartandvoice.org.
Mr. DuBois concertizes under the auspices of Windwerk Artists (www.windwerkartists.com) and resides in Rochesterwith his wife.
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