By Matt White
ISLE OF WIGHT, UK — UNCERTAINTIES may re-main over the future of the IW Music Service but there can be no doubting the growing popularity and success of one spoke leading to the Island’s musical hub.
Recent stories about the future of the IW Music Service have made gloomy reading but, in the last few weeks, two new choirs have formed on the Island and another has appeared on the BBC.
Meanwhile, the Medina Community Choir, which has set the bar for success, has recorded a CD with a royal band, ahead of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations.
If somebody had told Medina Community Choir’s musical director, Hannah Brear, it would end up gracing the IW Festival stage and performing with the likes of Lesley Garrett, she probably would have laughed at them.
Back in 2006, when Hannah was directing the 90-strong Medina High School choir, some of the pupils’ parents said they wanted to become involved.
Back in 2006, when Hannah was directing the 90-strong Medina High School choir, some of the pupils’ parents said they wanted to become involved.
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