PROJECT : ENCORE™ (P:E), the e-based resource whose mission is the evaluation and promotion of significant new, post-premiere choral music, proudly announces a significant marker in its development. With completion of the second quarterly submission cycle of 2013, P:E surpassed 100 scores (and more than 80 composers!) in its database.
In the rapidly changing world of music discovery and distribution, performance and evaluation, PROJECT : ENCORE is a user-friendly, deeply searchable resource whose content is derived exclusively through loyalty to vetted quality.
Each quarter, an international panel of renowned conductors reviews compositions submitted. Just over half of the submitted works are accepted into the database, making acceptance into PROJECT : ENCORE a significant endorsement for a composer, hence, an extension of a composer’s marketing arm. Compositions included span a wide spectrum of voicing, scoring, length, and levels of difficulty.
In addition to making use of PROJECT : ENCORE itself, conductors and composers are encouraged to sign up for Sing It Again!, the quarterly newsletter of PROJECT : ENCORE.
PROJECT : ENCORE™ is the product of Schola Cantorum on Hudson, a 501(c)3 choral organization based in Manhattan and Northern New Jersey. P:E emerged organically from Schola’s strong programming commitment to new music, and is the organization’s most prominent advocacy contribution to the vibrant choral music industry. Almost all of Schola’s concerts contain at least one composition discovered through PROJECT : ENCORE, as signified by the copyrighted indicia:
Written by Deborah Simpkin King, Founder and Director
PROJECT : ENCORE™ of Schola Cantorum on Hudson
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