4th Annual Choral Composition Competition Postmark Deadline: March 1, 2010 Prize: $1,000.00 and at least two performances by Meistersingers Archival recording for winner’s use toward publishing Possible commercial recording by Meistersingers There is a $25.00 entry fee Submission Guidelines: Complete Competition Submission Form (can be downloaded from www.meistersingers.org) Original Composition for 4-8 part a […]
CANTATICA Announces Board of Directors Chair
CANTATICA, Allentown, PA, is pleased to announce the appointment of Maureen Scullion as Chair of its newly formed Board of Directors. Ms. Scullion is Vice President of Heritage Investment Portfolio, LP and Central Bucks Management Services, LLC. While her past nine years have been spent in the real estate field, her career has included over 20 years experience in the […]
ChoralNet, Inc. Board of Directors Meeting
December 28, 2009 Members present: Frank Albinder, Ian Bullen, Philip Copeland, James Feiszli (chair), Dean Ekberg, Tom Tropp I. The final merger outline, previously circulated via email, was reviewed for final approval. The following issues were discussed. a. Is there still a need for a ChoralNet Board if it simply becomes a subcommittee […]
Five great trees of Ireland by Paolo Ugoletti
You could see the last Enrico Imbalzano’s video on Paolo Ugoletti’s Five great trees of Ireland for male voices performed by Coenobium Vocale, Maria Dal Bianco director, on Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GndJEOCnCzg I hope you’ll enjoy the video Paolo
New Choral Website
Aspen Grove Music announces its new website. At the site directors can find multi-page score samples of all of our acclaimed choral music. If you are a director looking for music that is fresh, exciting and compelling, come to the grove … Aspen Grove Music. www.aspengrovemusic.com
21st Century Choral foundation for the famous St Barts
St Bartholomews church Armley, Leeds, UK has announced the appointment of award winning Composer and Conductor, Tim Knight to spearhead and lead a ambitious plan for a Choral foundation at the church, Already famous as the home of a Schulze Organ presided over by Professor Graham Barber, a innovative 3 year plan to provide the […]