“Trinity Requiem” was commissioned by Robert Ridgell for his Trinity Youth Group, comprising young people from the five boroughs of New York. Most of the performers were born around the year 2000, too late for any personal recollections of the tragedy the music attempts to address. Moran tried to keep his musical vocabulary direct, and […]
Gayle Marcus to lead Prairie Arts Chorale
GRANITE FALLS, MN — The Prairie Arts Chorale, composed of singers from southwest Minnesota, is now under the direction of Gayle Marcus from Willmar. Marcus, who has a master’s of music degree with specialization in choral conducting, currently is an adjunct music instructor at Ridgewater College Hutchinson Campus. Marcus’ first endeavor with Prairie Arts Chorale […]
Hastings Children’s Choir gets regional name
Ontario, Canada — Quinte’s most travelled youth choir has a new name. The Hastings and Prince Edward Children’s Chorus will become the Hastings and Prince Edward Regional Chorus Sept. 1. Directors approved the change in a meeting Aug. 14. The choir’s parent support group will also change its name, as will the choir’s three sub-groups. […]
Mark Dorrell takes over Orpheus Choir
Wellington, NZ — Mark Dorrell has been appointed the new Music Director of the Orpheus Choir, at an unusually busy time for the Wellington Choir. The board of the Orpheus Choir was delighted that Mr Dorrell had accepted the position, Chairman Graeme Gorton said. “With three important concerts before the end of the year, the Orpheus […]
25,000-voice choir in Estonia
Imagine nearly 25,000 young people raising their voices in a gigantic choir, cheered by 100,000 spectators. This happened in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, a former Soviet republic on the Baltic Sea, in July. The Singing Festival, performed every five years for the past 150 years, has come to mean victory over domination, oppression, and economic hardship. Begun […]
Cantata 113 by Johann Sebastian Bach
This Sunday on Great Sacred Music The Choir of St. Paul’s Church, K Street, Sequentia and the Corydon Singers will be featured in the first hour of Great Sacred Music this Sunday beginning at 8 a.m. eastern. They will sing music by Thomas Haweis, Hildegard von Bingen, Ralph Vaughan Williams and Anton Bruckner. At 9 […]