I composed Hands of God in honor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s 25th Anniversary as a denomination and dedicated it to Wm. Chris Boerger for his service to the NW Washington Synod as the former Bishop and former member of my congregation. He is now the ELCA Church-wide Secretary. It is appropriate for many Lutheran Festivals, Hymn Festivals, “Kick-Off Sunday,” and especially Reformation Sunday.
More recently, I created an orchestrated edition for the Installation of Timothy M. Smith, Bishop of the North Carolina ELCA Synod held September 12, 2015 at Christ Lutheran Church, Charlotte, NC.
The Verse and Chorus are singable, memorable, and the accompaniment is exciting and very doable. Singers can usually sing it after one or two rehearsals.
For more information: http://www.michaelaustinmiller.com/hands-of-god-information.html
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