ACDA initiated student conducting awards during the 1993 National Conference in San Antonio, Texas. They were such a success that they have been a part of national conferences ever since. At the Minneapolis conference in March, students could apply to participate in either a Graduate Conducting Competition or an Undergraduate Master Class.
Congratulations to the following students who applied and were accepted to the Graduate Conducting Competition: Irene Apanovitch (University of Southern California), Hannah Carr (Yale University), Katherine Chan (University of Minnesota), Minhye Jang (Cincinnati Conservatory of Music), Hyejung Jun (Emory University), Simon Lee (Yale University), Victoria Pitre (Houghton College), and Cameron Weatherford (University of Kentucky).
A special congratulations to Mr. Weatherford, first place winner, and Ms. Jang, second place winner.
Participants accepted into the Undergraduate Master Class were as follows: Joseph Lindamood (Mississippi State University), Andrew Majors (Montana State University), Jamie Moore (Stetson University), Eric D. Reyes (Moody Bible Institute), Justin Shen (University of Houston), Elliott Stern (Wartburg College), Kimberly Waigwa (University of Arizona), and Kayla Wiley (Wartburg College).
The conducting competition and masterclass are designed to acknowledge and reward outstanding graduate and undergraduate student conductors, as well as encourage score preparation and rehearsal skills. The competition and master class were sponsored this year by Manhattan Concert Productions.
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