By Debbie Allison
LA VERNE, CA — Had predictions proven to be true after his accident as a child, James Calhoun may never have played music again. He may never have studied sacred music and organ performance at the University of Southern California or performed at Carnegie Hall or Lincoln Center, and he may never have ended up as La Verne’s new choir director. Lucky for the University of La Verne, those predictions were wrong.
Fast forward to February 2011, and La Verne’s choirs are thriving. There are 30 choir members, and a definite improvement in morale. “There is a sense of excitement in the music program,” James says. And his sense of excitement is contagious. When conducting choir rehearsal, there is rarely a moment when his infectious smile leaves his face. “He has a larger than life charisma and presence and a winning smile,” Gratz says. “His smile puts people at ease, but his presence inspires people to greatness.” His choir rehearsals are casual yet powerful teaching lessons.
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