We are so proud to announce this quarter’s choral compositions accepted into the PROJECT : ENCORE Catalog of Contemporary Choral Music:
- Bright Light – Michael Bussewitz-Quarm
- Lux Aeterna Domine – Patti Drennan
- Non Si Levava (After Monteverdi) – John Muehleisen
- Lift My Soul (Drewes) – Joan Johnson Drewes
- E Pluribus Unum (Hope Like Gold) – Julian David Bryson
- Hallelujah, I Been Down Into the Sea – CHristopher Hoh
- Hope is the Thing With Feathers – Joseph Eckman
- Vox Dilecti Mei – John C Rommereim
Each of these selections has been blind-vetted by at least three of the prominent conductors who serve in our pool of reviewers.An average of just over half of all post-premiere compositions submitted are accepted into the P:E Catalog. Congratulations, all! CONDUCTORS are urged to sign up to receive the quarterly report, for regular updates on new repertoire! projectencore.org COMPOSERS are urged to submit compositions that have been premiered, but have not been extensively performed beyond the premiere–as frequently as one per quarter–for review and possible upload into the prestigious PROJECT : ENCORE database at projectencore.org
Christopher Hoh says
While I’m glad to be included here, I’m even more thrilled that more people now will learn of this terrific African-American spiritual — Hallelujah, I Been Down Into the Sea — just in time for Black History Month.