We need your help! UCLA Choral Activities is one of five national finalists for a $25,000 GRAND PRIZE from Zipcar for our new Choral Outreach Program (directed by Rebecca Lord–through which we visit middle and high school choirs, give free clinics, and bus in hundreds of kids for free performances by our choirs. We have already directly impacted nearly 3,000 students so far this year)!
The grand prize winner will be chosen through a Facebook voting contest. Voting goes until THIS WEDNESDAY, April 18 at 9pm PST. If you or anyone you know has a Facebook account, please vote for us and help us continue our mission of bringing great choral music to the schools! Our outreach program is funded 100% by donations and external sponsorship from companies like Zipcar.
Here’s how to vote:
2. Click the green “VOTE” tab at the top of the page.
3. Log into facebook & click the “LIKE” button for Zipcar that appears.
4. Check next to “UCLA Choral Activities” and submit your vote! (You may only vote once).
Many thanks for all your support!
Don Neuen & Rebecca Lord
Director & Associate Director of Choral Activities
University of California, Los Angeles
PS Here is a link to our latest outreach brochure so you can enjoy photos and quotes from the students we’ve worked with so far this year!
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