Songs of Freedom: A Celebration of Chanukah
Oh Chanukah! Oh Chanukah, S’vivon, Lichvod Ha Chanukah, Mi Y’malel, Haneirot Halalu, and Maoz Tsur
Songs of Freedom: A Celebration of Chanukah is a through-composed work, but the movements can also be performed separately. It was arranged by Judith Clurman, Larry Hochman and Brian Stokes Mitchell. Orchestrations are by Larry Hochman. New English translations were written by Judith Clurman.
The piece is published by Schott Music. The piano/vocal score and the version for chamber ensemble, by Larry Hochman, is available through the distributor Hal Leonard. The full orchestra can be rented from the publisher, Schott Music.
The chamber version is recorded on CHERISHED MOMENTS: SONGS OF THE JEWISH SPIRIT, a new CD on Sono Luminus (DSL-92182), with Essential Voices USA, conducted by Judith Clurman. Ron Raines is the soloist on the recording.
This suite was premiered at Carnegie Hall on December 10, 2010 by the New York Pops, Essential Voices USA, and soloist Brian Stokes Mitchell, under the baton of Judith Clurman.
Al Hanisim (For the Miracles)
In 2004, Judith and Ann Clurman commissioned Paul Schoenfield, one of America’s foremost composers, to write this setting of the Chanukah text Al Hanisim, for piano and mixed chorus, in memory of their parents. In 2006, Judith conducted the premiere performance at The Juilliard School with The Juilliard Choral Union and the composer at the piano.
Al Hanisim has been published by G. Schirmer, as part of the Judith Clurman Choral Series. It is available through the distributor Hal Leonard.
Al Hanisim was recorded live, with the composer at the keyboard, and Essential Voices USA, on CHERISHED MOMENTS: SONGS OF THE JEWISH SPIRIT, a new CD on Sono Luminus (DSL-92182), conducted by Judith Clurman.
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