ACDA is issuing a call to publishers (including self-publishers) to submit pieces for the ACDA Repertoire & Resources (R & R) reading sessions at the 2023 national conference in Cincinnati, OH.
The deadline to submit pieces to ACDA is August 1, 2022, and publishers should use this link to submit PDF scores and audio recordings.
While all submissions are welcome, ACDA asks publishers to help us ensure diverse repertoire representation by being intentional about including pieces that represent a variety of styles/genres and include representation by female composers/arrangers and historically marginalized composers/arrangers.
The following requirements are in place for submissions:
- Pieces must be publicly available for purchase prior to submission.
- Only publishers may submit. Self-publishing is fine if the music is publicly available for purchase (this is not a call for compositions or a composition competition).
- Only one piece per composer per R & R area.
- Multiple submissions by a variety of composers are welcome in all R & R categories.
Questions? Contact Brent Ballweg (
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