The American Prize National Nonprofit Competitions in the Performing Arts is the nation’s most comprehensive series of contests in the performing arts. The American Prize is unique in scope and structure, designed to recognize and reward the best performing artists, directors, ensembles and composers in the United States at professional, college/university, community and high school levels, based on submitted recordings. Now in its fourteenth year, The American Prize was founded in 2010 and is awarded annually in many areas of the performing arts. Thousands of artists from all fifty states have derived benefit from their participation in the contests of The American Prize, representing literally hundreds of communities and arts organizations across the nation. Information about the 2024-25 season of contests is now available and applications are being accepted, with deadlines in May and July. (
ACDA recognizes these members for their achievement in being named a 2024 National Finalist in Choral Performance:
- Cera Babb
- Benjamin Bergey
- Jeffrey Bernstein
- Dwight Bigler
- John Boonenberg
- Virgil Bozeman IV
- Julian David Bryson
- Michael Bussewitz-Quarm
- Stephen Caldwell
- Alex Canovas
- Francis Cathlina
- Katherine Chan
- Christopher L. Clark
- Melanie Wade Cometa
- Darren Dailey
- Tony Dam
- Ryan Deignan
- Joel Duarte
- Mariana Farah
- Joshua Fishbein
- Kendra Fisher
- Dave Froman
- Rose Hellmers
- Zebulon M. Highben
- Vernon Huff
- Andrew Huish
- Dominick Izzo
- Roberta Q. Jackson
- Terre Johnson
- Brian Jones
- Adrian Kirtley
- Jeff Knutson
- Kelvyn Koning
- Sonia Pradhan Lackey
- Nicole C. Lamartine
- Robyn R. Lana
- Veronica Leahy
- Xiaosha Lin
- Benjamin Locke
- Isaac Lovdahl
- Ryan A. Manni
- Christopher Mason
- Dustin McKinney
- Jack McLaughlin
- Nancy Menk
- Irene Messoloras
- Rayvon T.J. Moore
- John Muehleisen
- Ryan Murray
- Heather Orr
- John M. Petzet
- John P. Rakes
- Denise M. Rippentrop
- Kira Zeeman Rugen
- Christina Rusnak
- John Stafford
- Gerald Stahl
- McKenna Stenson
- Phillip R. Streetman
- Mari Esabel Valverde
- Ash Walker
- David Bentley Walters
- Anthony Washington
To read the entire release, click here.
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