A large and GROWING free music literacy resource for music educators!
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In the most recent episode, we have referenced a few resources, provided in the Patreon Google Folder. The “Science of Reading” refers to a large body of interdisciplinary evidence. The past 40 years has yielded tremendous, interdisciplinary insights into the process of learning to read, gathered from developmental psychology, cognitive neuropsychology, developmental linguistics, and educational intervention research. In Music Education, we are behind this body of research as it relates to our discipline. In this short episode, I have taken on the task of adapting MY favorite Science of Reading take away for a music literacy context. “Scarborough’s Reading Rope.”
Consider this episode, the next installment in the “Choralosophy Literacy Suite.”
If the evidence is overwhelming and compelling, why are so many children failing to learn to read? Despite a preponderance of evidence about what constitutes good reading instruction…false theories persistLaura Stewart
Or you can find any of these episodes on your favorite Podcast player in audio only form. See blow for the recommended listening order and direct links!
Recent Additions-

Free Resources for Music Educators
Bookmark this page and consume the whole library as many times as you need. Quality music literacy instruction starts and ends with YOUR understanding of these concepts. These episodes are available in audio only or audio/video format, and more are being added all of the time!
You can listen from the widgets below which will take you to Apple or Castbox to finish listening, or you can find the show on Google Play, Spotify, Youtube or Stitcher!
Recommended Listening Order:
- Episode 18: Ripping Off the Bandaid
- Episode 90: Sound Before Sight
- Episode 69: Higher Standards Lower Anxiety
- Episode 135: The A Cappella Rehearsal (Find Demos on the YouTube playlist)
- Episode 137: Literacy is Equity
- Episode 118: Leveling the Playing Field
- Episode 52: Less Work, Better Choirs
- Episode 86: All Students DESERVE Music Literacy
- MASTERING Literacy Instruction
- Student Led Sectionals
- Episode 172: Dispelling Myths About Middle School
- Episode 174: Adapting the Science of Reading to Music
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