The Choral Journal editorial board reviews all article submissions through a blind review process that typically takes 4-6 weeks. After that time, the author will receive notice of acceptance, rejection, or request for revision and resubmission. A high quality of writing and solid research is expected from all submissions. There should be a clear thesis statement and headings to guide readers through the articles. Full submission guidelines are available at: Contact information for column editors is available on the last page of every issue of Choral Journal.
Possible reasons an article is rejected for publication are:
1) lack of scholarly writing style
2) little or no citation
3) no value to readers (i.e., not a new topic or not offering new research)
4) self-promotion or promotion of a teacher/colleague
5) unclear thesis
Approximate word counts for articles are:
Feature articles: 4,000-6,000 words // Column articles: 1,500-3,000 words
The editor is currently accepting submissions on any of the following topics:
The voice
Performance practice
Adult choral music
History of choral music
Multicultural choral music
High school choral music
Music in worship
Philosophy of music making
If you would like to discuss a topic or abstract, feel free to contact the editor at:
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